UI and Visual Design Experience necessary to Mentor students in UI
Welcome to the Designer's Blog:
Unveiling the Strategies and Insights Behind Exceptional Design.
What makes you an ideal mentor for Springboard students?
Our Ecosystem and the concept of Platonic solids, Pythagorean comma, Newtonian and Goethe's light.
Shall Designers pay attention to numerology according to the Pythagorean school? Well, why not?
Do not KILL. Do not kill the artist in you.
Brainstorming brand names for a variety of concepts.
Thrive your Team by boosting your and their Health Management.
Being content is a choice. Inspiration for your Soul and Psyche.
Episode #12: AI answers: Why is a sense of humour needed to lead a team?
Episode #11: AI answers: How to use effectively Instagram for a purpose of Fine Arts, as an Artist?
Episode #10: AI answers: What is Digital Detox? How often humans should apply digital detox?
Digital Detox. Try it.
Why did I move to Ireland? Pros and cons.
Episode #9: AI answers: Tell me about Ireland. Why to move to Ireland? Pros and Cons of moving.
Episode #1 AI answers: what kind of relationship do people have with money?
Need the inspiration to follow your dreams no matter of obstacles? Watch: I Used to Be Famous
Coming back to Wheel of Life for a moment. Spin the wheel around the Fear.
What is to work Smarter than Harder?SMART Goals Techniques
Have a distance to yourself otherwise you are a soft cat, oops boy, I did it again! 🙀😻😹😸😽
Valentine's' Day - When you are creative you create not only stunning design but also love poems!