I asked OpenAI ChatGPT questions about AI and creativity. Here is what it replied about itself. 🙃
Welcome to the Designer's Blog:
Unveiling the Strategies and Insights Behind Exceptional Design.
Moving to Ireland?
When one door closes, another opens.
Is Changing Career Scary?
Ready to hire: Personal Social Media Digital Marketing Assistant.
To think is to be, to think is to create your life...is it?
Master of Arts, Design for Change - completed! Why, how and where?
Coming back to Wheel of Life for a moment. Spin the wheel around the Fear.
What is to work Smarter than Harder?SMART Goals Techniques
Art of Receiving.
Goal setting. The Wish-Wonder Wheel of Life.
Rapid fire bypass - the power of brainstorming.
Identification of Your Life.
Your Perception is your Reality. Self-confidence, believe in yourself as none else will.
objets d'art
The goal comes easily when at first the positive feeling is applied.
Do you remember your first job ever?
Why there is lots of successful companies with bad products?
Simple illustration clarify the difference between Good Leaders vs Bad Bosses.
Assertiveness. The Right to Say No. At work, in live, and even to yourself when necessary.