Simple Categories of Personas Types
1st Bias to be erased:
Strong Man - He is so assertive Man
Strong Woman - She is such a B.tch
Prepare the structure flow within business/organisation/department/team/group or tasks
Divide by KPI/framework/goals/needs/strategy/plan/time/schedule/deadline/priorities/level of responsibility/personal characteristics
Group Personas by
Closed Type of Persona
To speed them up - praise them for their perceived weakness - recognise the type of confidence issue - physical, psychological (past/present), personal life, or relative to actual performance
Let them ask for help and praise them - come up with it but let them say it loudly, privately most of them time than public or in written form (casual, informal, formal)
Do not break the pattern of praise them - lift them up, coach, mentor, lead
They will get into a game soon - give them time
They improve slowly but very well over time
Give them helpful hand at any time - they need you
Less freedom, less choice
Trust but review on regular basics
They need your eyes on them even if they do not ask they like to be check
They will trust themselves (confidence will grow) with time and well perform tasks
Do not ignore mistake but do not punish either - make it quiet not public
Notice and give them a mentoring/coaching
A good HR can help
Celebrate successes - loudly - their achievements so everyone notice and congratulate them - make it obvious and nice - take team out
Steady progress - you will be able to count on them
Quiet personas - probably never be super open but it will improve their social skills, co-working abilities and openness
Honest approach is crucial
Give Thanks to them often - personally and publicly - let others know even more than themselves
Keep them as long as they like to be kept and let them grow within you/team/company
They stay for a long time - attachment and fear - both and confidence issue even healed will be also somewhere there
Not risk takers - They like cosy and knowing well workplace
2. Noise Type of Persona
Things are not done but the noise is constant
High Ego - Super High
Overconfident without a proper of knowledge/experience to be actually confident
Complain/Talks a lot - make a noise
Nuisance in everything
"I do a lot" type of person
"I am tired, sick, exhausted" type of person
Leave them, do not put any energy, or mentoring, trying to help, just put them on the restrict performance plan within % and Points to be collected
Fail or Gain - strategy
Most of this type of personas are time, money, energy and work waste
Remove Waste - Hire better persona who does work done than make a noise
Remember Noise is unpaid
Better than what - leave them alone, ignore when they complain (personal life, physical about external, environmental, work relative)
Noise persona is also a gossip persona - avoid any conversations as. no trust. should be given
Avoid them - always and forever
Those personas always have been looser and they will stay that way - do not waste time to train them, educate them, help them, mentor them
They have no work ethics and no life ethics and standards
Let them go or you will sink in their Melo-Life-Work Drama about everything and everyone
Narcissists personalities cannot get help (mental disorder, deficient hormones of empathy and collaboration)
That's who they are and that's how they stay
Worst - they do not see the real problem - meaning themselves
That's how it is - accept and move on without them - the best advice I can get put in practice
Say No Thank you to them and give them a notice as soon as possible you notice this type of persona - do it quietly and formally only
Avoid public announcements as they use agains you/team/company
Bye Bye this type
3. Accountability Type of Personas
Buy them and Sell them - Mutual Benefit - Sell them yourself and them them buy you/others etc.
Simplicity of tasks and questions first
Grab a coffee/offer coffee and catch up regularly
Ask direct and simple questions - e.g. What would you like to improve in your regular day
Give them strategic plan in the timeframe and le them improve themselves within time
Trust and Freedom is necessary
Avoid any follow ups if not scheduled - let them breath
They improve quickly without any afford on your part
Give them direction and let them choose the path
They know what they do
They just need a clear vision - simple guidelines in first weeks or months (depends of the level of experience at that's all)
Improve their life by buying/selling them simple stuff from coffee to notebook/whiteboard/keyboard - they feel worth of doing more if they are pamper
Celebrate Successes - small and big, also notice failures, do not ignore anything - as they want to be notice in no matter what and how they do but do not want to be controlled
Give them room for expressing ideas
With time they grow incredibility. fast and outstanding
Trust the process - they trust in you and themselves
Give Thanks to them not to often both personally and publicly - let them know
They will grow and leave eventually
Risk takers - like change and freedom - new make them excited - so make them feel new things often as they get bored as well
Change their tasks/teams so they will stay and grow high otherwise bored easily
They might grow on the same level as you or higher - let them do so
Don't you want grow yourself?
Grow Together