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Be Expert of UX/UI for Newcomers. Have Time when they ask.

Writer: Katarzyna HasnikKatarzyna Hasnik

Before we start. If you still looking to upgrade your skills consider this: Hi there! I really recommend that you take a look at the CareerFoundry courses. Sign up now to secure your 5% discount!

Share your Designer Journey.

Help others who are just dreaming about UX/UI Design by giving them valuable answers to their questions. Share your tips and give advice. It is all about being there for them.

Have you ever heard that GIVING YOUR TIME and YOUR ENERGY are actually the best gifts you can ever give and receive? I heard this years ago, as a teenager.

That's my one of the biggest personal and professional life value to which I stick for more than three decades.

Recently, I was asked by the young although high advance creative professionalist, Jesse Mercado with great work experiences to share my own designer story, how I landed to UX/UI Design world, which might be helpful for Newcomers. Meaning You, who is just starting and doesn't know how to take it and from where to start.

We gathered together and I was asked to answer below quite fundamental although still basic questions about my own journey to UX/UI Design. As I am a big thinker, creative designer and writer, I decide that those answers will be also beneficial for you.

To visit Jesse's profile, please go:

He has a great shared portfolio project in the area of Motion Graphic, Interactive Producer, 3D Animator/Video Editor Designer, Associate Art Director, Creative Director, Multimedia Producer and Developer. I do appreciate that he came across o my Linked profile and asked me to help others. My workmates and friends, know me, I am ready to help.

My answers are the collaboration with Jesse as I will be happy to help Newcomers to land to Product Designer world. Texas is far from Dublin but help is on the way through digital technology. We are One Big Digital Village in the Universe.

This blog post is written as it was written to Jesse, for his newbies. So let's start.

To answer your question and meet your best, as UX/UX Designer, please have a look at my answers to your detail-oriented questions. My answers are personal and professional recommendations based on my career path and strategic thinking and might be various depends on your individual work experience, gained creative and technical designing skills and your unique personality as Designer. That's why please take those answers always just as suggestions, not mandatory steps but as possible choices.


Jesse Mercado asked:

1. What should I be using or learning?

In terms of software starts with Adobe, the basic graphic design programs, as InDesign (for example a large amount of text, typography, layout), Illustrator (for example vector graphics, illustrations, logos, typography manual modifications), Photoshop (for example photo editing, brush painting and drawings, illustrations).

In UX/UI basics as Adobe XD, Sketch also Figma, Zeplin, Axure and many others. Stick with one for example Sketch and increase the ability to understand other Mobile Apps and Responsive Web Design programs. They are mostly quite the same. If you understand one, the rest is just to follow and keep updating your knowledge.

Additionally, I suggest paying attention to (this is just shortlisted)

  • Designing Thinking, Agile, Scrum, Information Architecture etc

  • Principles of Design

  • "Less is More" Design Well-Known Design Strategy

  • Understanding of White Space

  • Design Observation - LISTENING USERS

  • Creative Thinking and Doing

  • Daily Practicing using manual Pen&Paper and digital drawing techniques, tablets

  • Importance of readable Typography - does it reflect what is written and what is supply

  • Colour Palette - feel it, aim for feeling, what kind of emotions

  • Styles Guides - who is the audience

  • Inspiration from Surroundings

  • New Upcoming UX and UI Trends

  • Motivation

  • Business Analysis - Product Management - Leadership

  • Branding, Logos, Company Identifications

  • Constant Never-Ending Story of Learning

I recommend reading at least one article following UX/UI Design channel as Medium for example daily to increase knowledge in addition to hardcopy books, which are still accredited and well recognised in the number of short articles, a large amount of PDF's, online tutorials and webinars and offline workshops. READING IS MANDATORY.

Jesse Mercado asked:

2. What programs are best?

The software is constantly changing, updating and increasing Designers' and Developers' potentials so you have to keep on track. I do not think there is something like the best programs out there. Designers use few programs to bring the idea come true, plus Developers make this possible. It depends on the company or school, which software they use and what kind of often comes with a discount for you as a student or employee. You as an individual should be able to learn quickly many various similar programs because programs now became sort of products and they quite often keep coping each other than making something really stand out in the variety of possibilities.

It is not like it used to be that Coral was way different from Adobe. Sketch and Adobe XD is as good as any other one. Marvel vs InVision is equal to me personally and I like both. I am happy to use them in exchange to stimulate my brain by different interface.

This approach comes from my Advocate Personality (16-Personality Test) and creative, out of the box thinking. I like to be in the middle and have an option for both programs which compete on the market and because they compete they bring better products to us, Designers. That’s what really matters in being the best. Time will show up, which of them will stay still in constant growth. That time we can call them BEST. About this test later. Keep reading. 😊


Jesse Mercado asked:

3. What type of laptop should I be using?

I must say upfront I am not a gadget person and never had been although, when I invest, I invest well. For the last 7 years, I used Macintoshes in companies where I used to work. Felt scary after just using Windows for decades. I never was into buying my own Mac as I was quite tight with the budget while study full time and working full time during my university.

Plus that time, I valued more adventures and my Fuji, Nikon D90 and Hoya lenses as I was big into the studio portraits photography and landscape. Cameras were at that time Priority number 1. Using a handmade constructed computer with 27" iiyama monitor and after Dell monitor and Toshiba 17" refreshed laptop was cool enough for a student in Post Communistic Country Poland with a salary with no comparison to Euro standards.

Honestly speaking, when you want to create and design, draw and paint, take pictures and you are good in that, people tell you that, and you feel by yourself in your chest, no technology should keep you away from approaching and doing.

Eventually, time will come that you will invest big pale of money into your first iMac and Mac Book Pro. That day will be memorised as a very special one but before that nothing should hold you back from pursuing your dreams even the old nasty computer.

I am not a hardware lady but there is a bunch of people who can put graphic cards, change memory discs and increase the capacity of the old machine to run smoothly with all programs at once. Calculate what will be best for you, which will have a long last invested and reach for any discounts, refurbished, or unused hardware from companies. Personally, my previous company gave away very good mac almost for free, 10% of market value. They were reinstalled by IT guys and worked perfectly fine.

When I was exposed first time to Mac in Dublin, in 2014, I felt. LOL.

I got in a split of seconds. It is WOW.

There is nothing else in my life designer/photographer/scanning and printing experience what was so intuitive in design and interface. My User Experience was top class and still is.

First came iMac, I call him My Big Boy, with a big discount of my friend's student ID card. After a while, year or two, Mac Book Pro, with another friend workmate student ID card. Thank you, Guys! You have to ask to get it, so ask around and people will show up to help you to bring your device dream come true.

Brand new Macs from the Apple store from Grafton Street will be memorised as special days. Truly. When you wait so long to get something like that, you really value it.

My Macs, iMac 2016 and Mac Book Pro 2018, had been updated regularly since that. I have one of the newest 27" iMac and the newest 15"Mac Book Pro with the largest capacity.

The SIZE MATTERS and I will definitely get an extra screen to link with iMac when the time of the new office in a new home comes together.

I must admit, as much as previously I wasn't into the idea of macs, and use Windows, various monitors, from iiyama to Dell, Toshiba, I really do like Macs as much as you can like the material thing, which makes your life as human and designer easier. Although I am well balanced and I have still Android Samsung Note 5 and I never ever had Apple phone. I will eventually update my phone to Apple to make it smooth between computers but there is no need.

Having Apple Phone and Android is handy in terms of prototyping your low, mid and high fidelity wireframes. The new iPhone is coming to me with a new upcoming position but Samsung Note 5 is still good as it was and having two devises are great for prototyping so do not sell or throw out your old phone.

No need for us humans to change technology devices as kids change toys. We should be all concerns about Earth and the technology destructive impact on our only environment before we get to the other planets.


Jesse Mercado asked:

4. Should I pursue this and if so with what online company?

One answer. Yes. To Learn and to Expand. To have a Tutor and Mentor who guide you, increase your potential and to help you on your path. If you are able to learn by yourself, there is no need. It is up to you but the companies still pay attention to your accredited qualifications gained on recommended schools even if the courses are done remotely. Education matters when it is practical. Do not go to college, university or school just to get paper. Do research about various options of offline and online schools and choose the best based on Student satisfaction, support which they give you after completing the course and during your learning period time.

Companies still pay attention to higher Master or Bachelor degree but this not supposed to hold you back from applying to the desired position. What really matters is creativity, open-minded eager to learn personality, ability to show your skills in your portfolio.

Personally, I have Bachelor Degree Honours in subjects as Creative Media, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Visual Interactive Communications, with specialisation in Graphic Design. This is Level 8 according to The Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) which is responsible for developing and maintaining the National Qualifications Framework (NFQ) in the Republic of Ireland. Level 8 is one step from Master Degree, Level 9.

I must admit that my highest degree was just a step to knowledge and skills while working in real-life projects. The degree is needed although not mandatory.

I was recently asked for providing the valuable, honest and truthful feedback about Career Foundry by Co-Founder of Career Karma, Timur Meyster.

I recommend going to Career Karma platform as there you will find a lot of various online education organisations with accreditations and the real-life feedback from students from around the world. While researching, please take note, it is always a personal experience and you have to still make your own decision based on what you are looking for.

Also, I attach link my previous blog about Career Foundry based on Career Karma as well with my review and recommendations of UX/UI Design course at Career Foundry, which I completed with them recently and why I do recommend them.

I would highlight and you can review on my LinkedIn that my idea for life is to never ever stop learning and because of that I completed many other courses in relation to design, art, illustrations, business, digital marketing etc. and attend to many workshops and events, which I also found very beneficial.

Learning from others at free events while Networking and Gaining power through the various source of Tech knowledge.

Signing up for Meet Up groups and Eventbrite in your local areas or even travel to the larger city will boost your knowledge, increase networking with people in your field. This is handy for professional and personal growth. Keep learning with schools and without schools in its a mandatory duty for every Developer and Designer to keep on track and be recognise as an expert in own industry even if you are just newbies. Find learning as a crucial and fun thing to do, that time is enjoyable and become your natural habits. You will stick with it for the rest of your life, become your personality traits by being loyal to yourself you become a great asset for your company, excellent employee and helpful colleague.

Like Michael Angelo, said “I am still learning." at the age of 87.

Jesse Mercado asked:

5. What should I be investing in, in terms of learning?

6. Lynda? Code Academy? Udemy?

Investing in learning is crucial for personal and professional life. Quite distracting and not valuable interests or connection with people who do not bring value to your personal and professional life. Create a new one, hobbies, interests based on your new path, where you want to be and who you want to become.

It sounds harsh, but that's the reality of life. Time is limited and you have only one life. If I will give myself personal and professional advice to the time I was younger, I will say to myself if this hobby, interests, way of spending free time or even person, a friend is actually beneficial and valuable to me as a human, designer, artist, mentor, coach, teacher? Some people do not have dreams, and if they hear yours, instead of giving you extra wings they cut them with meaningless unnecessary comments, unrequested opinions. Sometimes you meet those unable to change own life people finding a million excuses no matter of life restrictions, without own strength and energy to build themselves up and you give them the power to grow and they engage with you until they do not need you anymore. Watch this out. As hard it is sounds, it is real. That's a life learning lesson. Always give and take. Receiving and Giving. Mutual Interests just like in the business, WIN-WIN, not LOSE-WIN or LOSE-LOSE.

Empathy those days quite often is death so watch out how much you give of your learning to others and how much they give you back.

Find a mentor but contribute to his/her willingness to help you on the way. Simple coffee or lunch is a form of gratitude in exchanging learning process or if you far away at least leave a good recommendation to help him/her be well recognised. Make sure people in professional and personal life memorise you well. Narcissist personalities are not good to anyone out there. Stay away from those who cannot drop the attitude of Perfectionism as they are the worst to work and live with.

Schedule time for your daily, weekly and month learning. In terms of providers, all of the above are good in gaining knowledge, updating your skills and getting your first dream job.

From personal and professional experiences Lynda is brilliant. I had been using for years due to free account sponsored by previous companies and University. I must say Lynda though me a lot and still those. I came across Udemy but I am not yet there to give my opinion on them as I haven't been using them. Looking forward to so thank you for the reminder. Each of them above Lynda, Code Academy, Udemy will bring values to your education. Also, you will expand to even learn more by being exposed to all the possibilities out there. Searching is crucial.

I was just on Monday on The Meet Up Group of Single Point - Workshops with Niall Maher about "Interviewing for Frontend Jobs" and to find him on LinkedIn, go to

I asked a similar question. In my case, as UX/UI Designers, is good to understand Developers language and to learn a basic of coding as I had just in college, more than 10 years ago and truly in my graphic designer position, never been using it. But it is like riding a bike, once you like it and get it, it comes naturally back to you when needed. I was recommended by Nail the FreeCodeCamp and also he recommends CodeAcademy. As previously written, gaining knowledge is power. HTML and CSS are standard with Javascript.

Keep expanding! Keep engaging!

Depends what makes you tick. Do you need a mentor, strategy plans or you are self-learner? Do you want to have a timeframe with certification in the end or just to learn a specific area of already achieved the knowledge. For example, Career Foundry gives you life-lasting access to Web Development, User Experience Immersion and User Interface Design Course when you finish with them at least one course. Meaning I have an open gate to read and do exercise on my own without paying anything. Which public, semi-public or private traditional college give you that? None. That's why from the bottom of my heart and creative mind, I will choose Career Foundry once again.

Do the proper research and stick with your decision. Do not drop the course even something bump you in the head. Life can be tricky while we want to pursue our dream. Life will test you and you have to stick with your primary plan. Rest but come back to learning and achieving your goals. In terms to make your own decision and fining your own course and education platform, the Career Karma would definitely help you as described in the previous answer to your question. Good luck!

Jesse Mercado asked:

7. What are the top skills I should focus on?

Soft Skills Matters as much as Hard Skills.

Run the 16 Personality Test and VIA Strength Character Test and applied them according to your portfolio, application and interview and day to day career-work-life balance.

Focus on them and at the same time treat all kind of tests with pinch of salt and lemon. Because you are still beyond any psychological test.

To check your soft skills if you aren't so sure about them to have a look on below personality and character tests:

Tech Skills. Have a look at my website section ABOUT. Let this section inspire you.

What matters the most is constant learning as tools, possibilities changing with a speed of light.

Invest time to learn, ask the company to invest in YOU.

To have a look at Sam's profile and upcoming portfolio, please visit his LinkedIn profile.

Jesse Mercado asked:

8. What will separate me from everyone else?

Notice if you can give yourself valuable permission to be as you are and give this valuable permission to others around you, those who interview you and those who will work with you. To be You maybe is hard for some. Acceptance and Appreciation of who you are are important. The core of you, the foundation, not only the assets which you can bring to the table. None else maybe even done it around you.

Allow yourself to be You. Hard to take nowadays because we are all bombarded with advice, coaching, self-help books of becoming better and better, different from our true self. This didn't exist in this huge amount of years ago.

Now we just need to be different than we are. To be better, change this, adapt to that. But this mask, if it is not a core of you and it will eventually fall apart. You have to address what you want to change if anything and not acts on it but become it. Understand your purpose behind not only the possible results. What is your inner mission as UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher?

Acting in front of yourself and others is very different from the persuasion of breaking the habits of being yourself in these less valuable characters and aiming for the best of you.

Give yourself permission of being individual, different, unique, with a sense of humour or not, with your attitude as it is. Please avoid being superficial, plain. After all, you will spend approx 40 hours, 5 days a week with your potential new workmates, boss. Professionalism isn't mean to be tightened up. Being who you are shown the most and matters what kind of style of performing your duties you have. Does it match the style of the company and team?

Additional characters to your work style taken directly from your persona don't mean that you will not do your job well. The uniques bring you as a whole. Diversity and inclusion matters and it is not only about equal rights for all kind of genders. Inclusion is about having all as they are and mixing them with different personas to bring diversity and find the best designs for all kind of people.

When the company does not aim for diversity and inclusion, how do they ant to reach all kind fo clients? There is no logic in it.

Try not to tick all boxes and be the same as everyone else, pretending that you know all or can do all. This never works in the long term. Unfortunately, many candidates still do it... no comments.

Recently I had a valuable conversation over the phone and at the meeting, with Specialist of Recruiter in UX/UI field, Cathy Wojnicki and this topic was addressed. Her professionalism was up to the highest standard always but at the same time, she was herself with her personality, character soft skills, uniqueness, style of dressing, approaching my application. I must admit, it is a pleasure to work with Cathy, no matter of upcoming outcome. I value the connection more than the results.

Personally, I can only work with those type of people, who are truthful to themselves. Similar to personal life. You attract your own tribe, for knowing where you belong.

Everyone else for me is just plain and become one big mass of humankind, not individuals.

My meeting with Cathy was just before my final interview with Owner, Founder of established well Startup. About this interview later on. Separate blog post. 😉

Candidates want to fill all boxes as they will be on the sprint. Tick. Tick. Tick. Without even thinking of who they are, do they actually fit this company, their mission, their purpose, their values, their standards, their products, their employees, the founder behind of all of this.

Shortly I received very valuable feedback, very positive and I hit the jackpot because I was myself with all kind of possible "mistakes", which generally would put me off by standardised career advisors. You have to find the gird, the feeling with the person in front of you.

This crucial. If they are too formal, would you like to work for them? Ask yourself of who you are and give yourself a chance to shine! THE STAR IS BORN WHEN HE/SHE BELIEVES IS A STAR.

By giving respectfully permission of being yourself at the interview, you also show how it would be with you to work in daily scenarios. The hiring managers quite often do not like to choose people from all kind different highly qualified, or new beginners candidates with similar skills and experiences.

When you give them permission to see you as well as a person not as the only employee they become human too, not just hiring managers.

The interview is a dialogue, Not questions and answers.

By being well prepared with the ability to show your personality, your soft skills, which count those days more than ever before, by showing out standard thinking and approaching the questions with the ability to think outside of typical answers, you are simply memorised. The same with networking events, consulting jobs.

They will memorise you, not just candidate with Résumé/CV.

The same strategy of being yourself with the highest potential applies equally to your website, portfolio, application form (Résumé/CV). You just cannot on longer terms superficially pretend someone else who you are not or simply you won't be happy at work, which you have to do almost every day.

Aim for the best of who you are without fake mask or stiffness. If you will put a mask or stiffness, this kind of job environment you will have.

The right people, hire the right people to the right place. All always works for our best.

REJECTION is crucial and it is part of the game.

Being SELECTIVE is necessary.

By CONTRAST, we make better choices.

I like to be rejected and after that call for an interview.

It happens a few times and finishes with great career positions. Better than I could expect.

Why do I like being rejected? Because I like surprises.

I like the synchronistic order in chaos.

Jesse Mercado asked:

9. What types of projects should I showcase in my portfolio?

1st Approach to show various projects for any possible product, service of any industry.

2nd Approach is to link your portfolio with your own interests and hobbies and aim for this discretion while selecting those companies where you want to apply.

3rd Approach is to direct the portfolio into the specific industry where you want to be.

Jesse Mercado asked:

10. Is coding critical to know, in order to get a high paying job?

Is it? Depends on which position you want to apply. There are plenty of jobs out there in UX and UI Design with no coding requirements. Although it is important to address that ability to cooperate with Developer Operators, Programmers, Software Managers, Front and Back Engineers however you call them is necessary because they truly run our show. UX/UI Designers without them ate not really gonna exist. The willingness to learn to code is a good asset too. Always open for more learning is a great way to be nowadays.

Career Foundry gives open resources to materials when you graduate from one course. In my case, I have read materials of Web Development and additional materials of UX as part of read-only open source till the end of my life. I am so grateful for it. Career Foundry is just top class!

Code Academy is a free coding course for beginners as it was mentioned before.

Jesse Mercado asked:

11. Is a project management certification beneficial?

Not certification as itself is needed but the skills behind it.

Do you have them, want to gain them? Yes

Do you want just a piece of paper? No

Personally I have various certification which perfectly links to User Experience and User Researcher career including Project Management, Customer Service with Customer Relationship Management, Digital Marketing.

All previous experiences matters. Diversity and Inclusion of Who You had been previously mattered a lot. Included that.

Recently I commented importance of knowing yourself as an asset for the company even if you shift from career to a new path and you are simply newcomer. This reflects the additional inside out in relation to the above question.

Deloitte Digital posted new trends of 2020. Their trends are their mission, values and purpose.

It is good to see what they do and how.

Jesse Mercado asked:

12. Is it wise to learn Sketch or XCode?

Learning is always wise. You have to choose where you are going and learn what is beneficial in the most desirable career.

Newcomers with no background in UX and UI Design or coding, learn first Sketch, Adobe XD and after that XCode.

catching too many birds at the same time will bring you nowhere.

Polish one program and go for the next one.

The same with coding. Go for it if you like to and want to. I do indeed. 😊

Jesse Mercado asked:

13. What three things would I have to change to my current site for it to be 5 stars?



Photography is the main or interaction or motion or design or video or tutorials or service?

Personally I feel it is too much and brings the feeling of trying to get into every possible field instead of specialising in 1 or 2, max 3, which smoothly merge together and come as one. Although some customers would need that. They will need all that you offer. Maybe it is better just to divine in more user-friendly layout to know what is most important for you in this what you offer. It is just constructive feedback as you asked for. Up to you.

Adjusting and prioritising areas of the portfolio would definitely need to be done to have a better approach after all. What is your main goal, which direction you want to go, do you see yourself focusing on all areas of your present work experiences and hobbies? Does photography is your main working industry or just more addition to motion, interactive and video making? Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 3, 5, 7, 10 and so on? Have a vision and clear the clutter. Put the steering wheel, the course and do not turn around.

Clutter quite often unable us to actually grow. Which direction do you want to grow?

Does Instagram have to take as much space on the home page? Is it necessary? Would you adjust one more time taking under consideration that LESS IS MORE?


Layout - correcting, centralised layout or creating a different grid.

Typography - Font Size/Lowercases/Uppercase - inconsistence - maximise the potential of the font in toolbar and menu bar - not too big but now it is not responsive design, gets very small and tight up depends on the device.

Subpages - the importance of the consistency layout between subpages.


Tutorials, Online Training, Blog (only one post) - Would you please hide subpage if not active yet?

No need for clients to be disappointed slightly that something is not yet there, maybe they were looking for exactly this part of your service, nothing else. Until there is no any piece, I would hide it to avoid the unnecessary feeling of emptiness.

Blog there has to be flow. Otherwise seems not to live, not active and none likes this.


logo - great littering skills if done manually, if not, still great font, perfect match with your name, easily memorised and catchy

white space - very well established profile smiley picture - bring a good vibe individual pieces of the portfolio - well done for all those amazing pieces of work variety - although as described above, make something more prioritise than others and it will work perfectly as you are a multi-skilled and highly talented creative individual

contact page - very clear and visible, tidy and clean

Congratulations on being that young and having so much to offer. Well done! 👍

You will be a successful UX/UI Designer!

Jesse Mercado asked:

14. What sort of pay should I expect?

Before I answer, I would like to invite you to not think about the digits, bills, dreams, items, which you want to buy, have, poses, house to buy, holidays plans...

Ask yourself below questions:

1. What do I value the most?

Money no matter of what or do I value challenge, atmosphere, flexibility, location, feeling part of it, feel the tangible effect, the ownership, bring something long term to this place, those people, this product and service by merging with their values, mission and purpose of the company?

Do I actually like the big boss, founder, owner, workmates, their styles, energy, vibe?

2. Would I love to work for this company, this boss, those people, this product, this service, their clients? Would they love to work with me? Would I commit to the idea which they have and which brings us all to the same page? Would I treat this just work or something more, like connection, relationship, dedication, hobby?

3. Would I work for them with passion, desire, eagerness, appreciation, dedication and acceptance? Would I be happy to go on Monday and say YES, I am here for you guys, what can we do today to make it better?

Unfortunately, most people aim for money first even without fitting into the place, energy or the idea behind the product. They hate it but they do it anyway. For a big pie of check.

That's sucks.

This type of living and thinking brings long term frustration, dissatisfaction, disappointment, issues in personal and professional life, lack of happiness, joy, enthusiasm, even bullying, aggressiveness, addictions and link to depression.




And now let's get into the root cause. 😎

Depends on the job offer, position, region, country, industry...

This question I will convert to What sort of play I should claim for?

If the job offer is 50.000-60.000, 70.000-80.000, 90-100.000 annually put yourself depends on your ability to feel right with the chosen number. There are just digits but they mean a lot.

They show your own self-worth, honesty with yourself and employee with the chosen number. The golden ratio, the bliss point is approx in the middle, if you have already as you do have, interesting and valuable experiences. You are not beginner, you are just opening a new door of new experiences, you are called newcomer. Always aim for higher than lower but know that you will work for it. So hold uptight and go for it.

If you have already amazing experiences go to the highest range.

Never claim the minimum. Why should you? they already want you so means you are valuable for their business. You had been already invited for an interview, meaning THEY WANT YOU.

Jesse Mercado asked:

15. What companies should I be applying to?

As young professionalist, you have already a huge experience and what what you like and what you dislike.

Every size of the company brings different aspects of it. The same with the industry to which they produce services and products.

you have to know what you like and where you fit the best.

Fish finds the fish and her own ocean, sea, river, lake, pond to swim and feel good.

Massive ones - Hunters Sharks - everyone else soon or later will belong to this group, they hunt on large ones mostly but even more than that they hunt on every clever idea of anyone below - I never was and probably never will be in this lifetime, no desire, but you never know.

Large ones above 200+ employees - Big Wheels ready to hunt on medium ones even if they are not designed to be a carnivore, although they also are able to be very soon part of above ones, so they also stay stable and just expanding - a long time ago I had been part of the large ones

Medium ones 50 to 200 - Playful and stable Dolphins, they can go and up anytime, depends how large ones would give them space to play independently - I am coming from this recent size and I do value it.

Small ones 1 to 49 - Fresh Colourful Exotic Fish - Ready to Dive Deep, Adventures - Challenge - Bravery - Often International and thinking outside of the box.

This time, I go for Small. Startup. I want to feel the OWNERSHIP even if I do not own, I will feel part of it more internally and externally.

Jesse, Thank you for approaching me. Thank you for finding my website and LinkedIn useful for yourself.

It is a great complement that my work appeals to you.

I am happy to help you. Have time for you and bring some valuables inside to your career path.

Wishing you all the best in personal and professional life.

and never settle for less that you are, can be. or want to be. Have a faith in yourself, in life. ❤️



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