The below rhyme poem was sung and dedicated to my workmates, and our community canteen to keep it clean and tidy. 😉 It is based on the famous Dirty Bertie series of kids' books.
Dated on the 25th of September, 2015, Dublin.

Hello Hello
I am Dirty Bertie
And I like You a lot
But today something happens
Kitchen Towels
Were washed nicely
By busy owls
From Novartis
Ready for our lunch parties
And now they even smell pricely!
So let's keep it like this
And avoid them to be dim
Let's join together our Housekeeper Team
And next Happy Mr, Mrs or Miss
If one notices them dirty
As me now, the famous Dirty Bertie
Please take them to your lovely home
And put your super washing machine on
To kill all germs and remove smelly oily yellow spots by the heavy chrome
So they can still have a bit of white tone
As none wants to be sick
And be ready to go and do the hard working chick
So keep only fresh food
To let your tummy
Be always in a good mood
Otherwise, we would need to call your mummy
Believe me, it can be very toxic
More than any type of heavy narcotic
To keep food, which can smell
As bloody hell
So please at least once a week
Check your stuff in the fridge
So none can be next day weak
Otherwise some of us can jump from the bridge
After a chemical unwanted reaction
So make it easy and step into the cleaning action
And follow the simple rules which even get any mule
"Be clean and be cool"
No rhyme is a crime
So take it easy
Even if makes you dizzy
We are all here in the office, which we share
So we all from on really care!
Thank you Your workmate