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Writer's pictureKatarzyna Hasnik

How Frontend is approaching UX Design for Public & Private Healthcare in Ireland

How digital technology can improve our Health Sector?

Answer: it must be User-Friendly, which in this case must be Patient-Friendly and Doctor-Friendly.

They come together as a team. Are they team now?


the answer by finding the root cause of the issue and giving the solution by innovative digital technology.

The Content of the topic,

"The Digital Healthcare Revolution", sounded very promising and I was not mistaken.

Frank Long's talk at the Dublin UX Meet Up Group in early December 2019 in Zendesk, was indeed a revolution step to the outdated Health Sector.

It was an outstanding presentation with solution-oriented mind-set, which we all seek for decades and
The urgency of change is calling not only in Ireland but in the whole of Europe.

I must admit as a foreigner, the Irish Health Sector has the same or very similar issues as in my mother country. At the same time, living in Ireland, over 10 years, I haven't noticed the real actual changes. I must add that the Health Sector is like a time machine to '80s in most of the countries in Europe.

The question, why in the XXI century with all the digital technology which we have, there is still no link between patients and doctors and the struggles are exactly the same or even worse.

Founders of Frontend, Frank Long and Henry Poskitt with many years of experience in the designing digital services for well known medical and pharmaceuticals companies brought to the audience the surprising answer. Every day lost of cost on Health Sector has to be finalised by finding real tangible solutions and reach the potential, which we already have, although not using it. This constant drama has to end.

Clarity with which Frank's talk was taken, gave me a much wider perspective to my User Experience Research and Testing projects, for which I am very grateful. Having almost 5 years of experience in pharmaceutical artwork design and my interests in wellbeing, opened my creative mind to the better solution in UI/UX Design.

Frank's talk was inspiring and highly presented with a good dosage of necessary sense of humour, which, I must admit, removed the heaviness of the constant healthcare issues, which we all as citizens are exposed each day while interacting with healthcare or reading news.

Frontend's optimistic perspective to what can be done to reach the highest potential of digital products dedicated to healthcare gave to the audience the strong awareness, which without it, we won't be able to progress as designers and developers and at the same patients.

Frontend's products affect positively the everyday life of citizens and the loss of cost behind the progress in healthcare will eventually be decreased as it is affecting us all unfortunately now still negatively.

I do really appreciate the talk, which benefits my work dedication. Thank you, Frank, for your professionalism and positive thinking, which would, I believe bring a good change to our country.

I wish all the best to Frontend and the digital products to deliver them to the European health sector, public and private market.

To find more about Frontend, please visit

The above blog post got permission from Frank Long, Co-Founder of Frontend to be posted as public, on 4th of February, 2020.

Thank you, Frank, for our LinkedIn conversation and your permission.

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