Once upon a time, I brought to Life Festival, the Yoga and Healing Zone and from that moment, the yoga, massage, and reiki became part of it beside the music, art, pills, and weed.
This was a hit in the jackpot which still is carried on. 10 years. Being a Founder and Manager of The Yoga and Healing Zone at Life Festival was a really inspiring project experience.
Thank you DJs for accepting my business idea.

For those who love to dance and jump over the fence and break the rules of systems when they do not feel those rules are smart and match their needs...
Mr Banana is today very stylish
And his shoes are from Havana
Brings him on the way ti Savannah
And all my sadness is instantly vanish
As they shine because they were actually Danish...
Banana brings lots of smile
Especially when
Enjoy him with a unique style
He loves to wear par of shoes
And he walks as he would constantly
Listen swing and blues
Some of them they need a bit of polish
But however
No matter of what
You are a king number one
Even without Irish fake disgusting tan
Better to go to Ibiza
And be for real brown because of the sun...