To not forget and to share =) Not in order, directly from sticky notes.

Shortcuts for Macs only
Acrobat - Cmd+E - change fonts size in annotations
Arabic language - InDesign - Right to Left - Cmd+Opt+A
Character Directions in Character to swap characters if not set up correctly by default
Cmd+Alt+Shift - when error shows in Adobe (reset al settings to be aloud to open cracked file)
Select Text and Highlight Object
Cmd+H - transfer handles
Cmd+Shift+B - when transfer handles (points) disappear
F - full screen
Shift + Cmd + O - Overprint lines
Cmd + Shift + 4 - Print Screen
Cmd+Option(Alt)+Esc - Force Quit Applications
Cmd+Tab - shift between icons of programs to be switch
Acrobat - Zoom in / Zoom out
1/ spacebar+Cmd - zoom in
2/ spacebar+Cmd+Alt - zoom out
Cmd+Shift+L - doc separate
Cmd + f1 - find
Cmd+D - Documents Properties to check font size and names etc.
Cmd+R - Ruler/Guides for Trim Box
Cmd+Shift+T - Tabs
Cmd+Alt+J - Paragraph Rule
Cmd+Alt+J - Hidden/Chow characters
Cmd+B - Text Box, columns measurements, justify, top etc.
Cmd+`~ (next to Z) - switch windows between projects
Cmd+; - show/hide guides
Alt+Cmd+; - lock/unlock guides
Shift+Cmd+T - Tabs+Enter 3, 4 depends
Cmd+F - Place exactly as in the previous file / Find
Shift+Cmd+V - Place in Place
Backspace - ^- - Columns Breaks
Shift Return and Soft Return
Cmd+B - Text Frame Options
Find/Change - breaking words with hyphen
Option(Alt)+Cmd+ - Not breaking or _ #
- normal hyphen
`~ - not breaking hyphen
InDesign - place in place - Cmd+Option (Alt)+Shift+V (as Cmd+F in Illustrator)
InDesign - Shift+Alt+T = infinity symbol
Shift+Cmd+T - Tabs
Cmd+; - date place automatically / Google spreed sheet
InDesign - to scale object
To scale - object - transform - scale
First - object - select - first object above
Display Desktop Windows Mac
Cmd+Tab - between all various windows, which are fully open not minimise
Cmd+~` (key next to z) - between windows only in 1 open program
Cmd+F3 - show desktop
Alt(Option)+Shift+8 - rounded, black bullet point (or on the other keyboard preferences in the right upper corner)
Cmd+Y - lines
Cmd+I - default
Cmd+"' (key 2nd right from L) - grid/chess lines - InDesign
Cmd+G - join the point of deleted line between selected before shape
When Technical Specification are signed and not be able to be open, go to PDF, open in Acrobat and on the left toolbar - choose icon (square shape with angle line), after Rev 2 (open black pointing down triangle icon) - click to view this version, it is open to sign/with signature, go to pages, extra pages from 1 to 1 (or 2) depends, ok, save.
If not show Rev 2, go to the signature box and go there to open PDF as Validate to display extra pages.
When I need to add extra symbols in various project (digital repetition of symbols, UI, artistic, technical, labels, glass, blisters, foils, etc.)
Object - Expand Appearance - expand size to actual size of all object
Object - Create - Trim Marks - Change for having new extra display of repetitive shape ( wireframe label, blister, technical cut, architecture drawing, etc.)
CMYK * - go for Book Colours and after to CMYK, check proper & of colour values (going to only CMYK with no step to Book Colours first, will show the CMYK values of & which might be different and will not have the same print effect)
LAB - change LAB to CMYK
Illustrator - Scripts
Script to Check Minimum Font Size
Select all live text (all all artwork including outline text), create new document, paste but delete, the object is not relative to take into account (codes, pharma, bar codes, Matrix Code, QR etc., component numbers, number of legend) and than go to File -> Scripts -> Smallest Font Size
The Script font size shows the smallest font size but doesn't indicate where. Check manually. Do not save it.
Cutting - Wireframes
Text/Object Free (iOS-Android free space)
Accessibility/Voice Recognition/Braille - Hot Spots
Technical - (Tech Spec, Codes, Pharma, QR, Matrix, Bar, Crop, Edge Marks)
Artwork - Visual Branding, Graphics, UI Design
Background - only background
Text - actual text
Legend - Legend information - DevOps/Agency/Clients etc.
Magic in Mac
Shift+Right Arrow (Open) or + Left Arrow (Close) - Open/Close All list of files in folder
Fake Italic for text fonts without, appears as text angle or object angle
Skew in InDesign
Shear in Illustrator
PDF - Acrobat
Object -> Effects -> Transparency
Place -> PDF -> Show Options - use/add/display number of page
To release what is not grouped but it's impossible to modified even in clipping mask
Object -> Paths -> Release Compound Path - Option(Alt)+Shift+Cmd+*
Tip for perfect Horizontal/Vertical - Alignment to the Centre
Select first horizontal and after one more time the one which needs to be aligned to centre
Select -> Text Objects -> Ligatures Untick (not to be blocked)
Window - open type paragraph style
Certain fonts might not work
Creating Proof 1 (first document, ready to be iterated if needed)
Manuscript in PDF - Use as native file for all components signed off/approved
PDF to release if everything is on 1 layer
Select -> Object -> Clipping Mask -> Release -> Right Click release clipping mask
Repeat few times if there is anything hidden still
Make new Layer in template
Place the manuscript
Set up Layer to Dim (transparency/opacity)
Accessibility - Hot Spots for Braille 28.35 pt - Points to be converted to Pixels
Increase only few mm the size but not the distance as it will change the meaning, do not modify the high between words/digits, slight improvement on the width
Module width - 0.500 mm
Use templates approved by Accessibility UX/UI Team
Choose a point which you are sure about, what wasn't changed at all
Switch orientation - view both - high differences
Copy files to WebCentre folder to compare in WebCentre on PC vs Mac
Actions -> Compare in Viewer - Red ti Blue comparison - Old/New doesn't matter
Ignore register and crop marks changes in graphics
Measure Ruler and draw arrow to the correct one
Establish the Alignment from the Ruler and change to Black only to display what was change
To show tolerance of program mistake
Right upper corner -> channels -> view both (select various e.g. double diamonds/squares icons)
1/ Show Difference Adjustment
2/ Hide Difference Adjustment
Set up to maximum 15%
Ctrl + S - Switch
Cmd + Zooming
Preflights - Acrobat
Normal Profiles Preflights
Go to Overprint
If there it's Pantone - Set up for Overprint
Use Plugins
OK - place PDF
Line with Show Important Options, Tick page, replace, create, use preps + Trim (option to crop)
Text PDF in margins outside wouldn't pass the preflight - check Trim Box
Acrobat Properties Tool
Cmd+D - Font as would not read outline text in inDesign
All Fonts into Legend even if outline
If the component number is cover by small part of the text in PDF it can be removed from the first page and left on the last one (the most important
Check with clients technical specification / DevOps requests / Project Management Team
That's it for now. :)
#adobe #illustrator #indesign #acrobat #design #editorial #ui #shortcuts #graphicdesign #editorialdesign #technical #accesibility #ux #braille