One Does Not Function Without the Other. Two ways had been told me to do. So I listened and I had chosen. Choice Matters. Freedom too. being Yourself too. Not to hide and not to put masks on. Not to lie or pretend either. However, it is all up to you at the end of the line. It is your life, your choice, and btw decision might change. Test the waters, and believe that it is ok to be You in every place where you are, as no other is exactly as you. We are similar but different too. So be You, be different. I believe is ok to expose yourself, so stop hiding, if you feel you do. I never do, and indeed met with range of questions, range of emotions even jealously and betrayed in the personal and a bit in professional life.

P.S.: DO NOT BE NEO AND FIND OUT YOUR OWN WAY TO UNCODE YOUR OWN MAZE. But who cares after a while, none who is smart enough and know that at the end of the day, it served you even better, as the final outcome was Truth to Yourself and Better Success, both professional, in both field art and design and in personal. Clarification only comes with Risks and expositions. You cannot clear the environment, professional and person if you always watch out to be clean and ART IS NOT CLEAN. Art is Dirty!!! And I do not speak about flowers, fluffy cute rabbits and soft clouds or seaside views with hills of mountains on the horizon. Or a soft abstract but not too abstract, shape here and there but this is allowed to be. That's not even Art in my humble and sophisticated opinion if production is not coming from a feeling of freedom but from expectations of social constraints on what is called to be normal and by the masses' expectations. That's called IKEA prints. So go to IKEA if you want to as Others. Or any other shop with mass production and hung those printed posters, which become more common than postal stamps and retail brochures with bon in French meaning discounts.
If you really crave to be ARTIST be in every step, in every movement, in every breath. If you really crave to be DANCER, do it, talk about it. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF JUDGMENT. YOU MIGHT INSPIRE OTHERS if they step out from their constraints of the ego of self-pettiness and lack of internal freedom.
You are creative in any field you like, and you can expose yourself as One. Or do you want to put a self-cage, matrix, or protection?
Some of you might know MATRIX, 4 movies as ONE. Have you ever thought that you indeed live in self-made MATRIX? That you by yourself put the code on you to behave, do, and talk the same as the preloaded and readjusted codes made ready for you? If not, maybe you act by the script of others, as in The Truman Show.
So if your PSYCHE, SOUL, or SPIRIT does SCREAM - Paint those Quirky Thoughts you have, Do those ridiculously crazy Projects, Digital or Manual, or full of rage, evil, or shining God's like light, do it or invite your business partners for a theatre drama or comedy with you on the stage or give a show for Christmas Party you dance in contemporary dance or ballet. Who cares at the end of the line what you do holistically if you do the business right with clients and teammates? If you do coding for a respectful let's say health sector brand and in the evenings you code the new prototype game where shouting nurses are involved or you bake full of sugary cake but indeed work with diabetes in a hospital, etc.
Let's STOP HIDING! That's one of the Theme within me.

We indeed have TWO sides, TWO Faces within us. Not One. And we indeed are not FACELESS MEN as in the Game of Thrones even though many of us wish to be.
I chose mine. Now it is your turn.
IT IS LIKE A SEE-SAW SORT OF THE CHOICE BETWEEN THE TWO ASPECTS OF THE SAME COIN. I was told by my network and their network what they think and I listen to each side and even did extra research, by directly discovering their portfolio websites of people whose creativity has two sides, two faces: serious e.g. professional architecture and serious in the sense of the dark art first personal and then after became professional.
Each strategy is to be FREE. But freedom is understood in those two strategies differently. In one, the separation gives freedom, in the other the union give freedom.
The separation comes for example here: and that's the strategy taken by Ciaran McCoy well-known architect ( who turns out to be PIGSY as Artist, with alter ego pseudonym. How I had found him? By my Squash Personal Trainer Eoin Ryan in the Sutton Tennis and Squash Club, Sutton, Dublin, who used to train Ciaran before Ciaran moved to Spain, Madrid to just paint away from all social circles.
I do believe in True God's calling. I do as in one week, I got 4 reminders from two international galleries and the above talk, a few other inspirations from past clients, fine arts students and a youtube channel The Artist's Well shared my ex-worker, mate, sailor, Grzegorz Gancarz about his new neighbour, the Artist Michelle Boyle, and
THANK YOU, Eoin, Grzegorz, Michelle, and Ciaran even if we hadn't spoken yet. Thank you, GOD! Thank you UNIVERSE.
Angels are calling! So do shit now! As tomorrow might be too late to paint, to design, to breathe, to live, to be free. When something is calling you to do, it will come even while playing squash by unexpected open talk. That's how it works! One way which I was told by a few Designers in the field of Research, UX, UI etc. who at the same time Paint Draw or Create something, e.g. tattooing at the weekends the sculls while on Monday running data analysis of risk insurance competitors to create a better user-friendly experience or criminal court web app, just be open, be one unified with yourself in each moment.
That even if you create something considered strange, odd, quirky, dark, questionable, abnormal etc. be just ONESELF regardless of where you go. You never know if your art will appeal to your client just like that without pursuing it, without even talking about it, just because THEY KNOW your online presence. You might find the link as good as playing squash, tennis, yoga, golf, sailing or rugby or kickboxing or bridge or chess.
DO NOT HIDE ART IN ANY FORM EVEN IF YOUR ART IS DDD, DIRTY, DARK AND DELIBERATE. It is evoking other emotions than joy and beauty because, in the darkness and dirt is deliberate beauty and joy too, the joy and beauty of being Free.
If you have a major client for an app and then painting something that you feel like and are actually going for most likely an unknown private collector somewhere there in the world or by the custom order by someone who you know maybe encounter, social circle or local gallery, family member a friend, or a neighbour, why should you hide the success under an artistic pseudonym, the alter ego.
Well, maybe one day I will get this strategy, this strange-for-me approach, which sounds cool at first but deeper feels like separation, hiding, sort of unwillingness to show who you are, even if you have this mention in the section. For now, HASNIK is becoming ONE for both. I do not have time for two or three websites and multiple social media accounts. That's also logic that comes within. Time saver and space online money in the pocket.
Those Designers said and I listened and listened: Be truthful, what else can be if not True? I do agree.
The other few told me, who I also listed without making a decision at that time, that they separate their business, professional life, life-bread-giving job, and design career from their art, paintings, and drawings, to not interfere with one another. I came across many people on each side and I had chosen to become ONE un-separately. Let's see where is going to bring me, but down there I am certain about my choice, as I have faith that God wants me to be truthful and honest before myself and others, in business and in my personal life. Faith brings SUCCESS where and whenever you go. Believe. And because my fine arts do have the same theme as my values in UX and UI mission, and teamwork: honesty, truthfulness, fairness, I cannot separate them and I am because of my own example, letting my team grow in their own unique creativeness in any form of Fine Arts, while at the same time success with UX and UI Design Projects for our company and clients.
We can be Both! We can grow together! And there is no reason to hide. I actually feel now, just while writing it, that hiding is a weakness, and only courageous do show up their true self. Like in the Circle, the book and the movie. Hiding is even dirtier and darker than the dark and dirty art itself. That time suspicious feeling comes within. Can we actually trust professionally those who personally try to hide the online or offline present from our eyes so we know that only when they face business encounters with us? Hmm, it will be good to interview "PIGSY is Ciaran McCoy. Ciaran McCoy is PIGSY" and ask him why not place the same phrase on for inclusivity and diversity of own self. That's a good idea! And with that, I will finish and back to my career, both professionally, and personally became professionally too.
Upstairs Research, UX/UI, Visual Communication Design Studio. Downstairs Fine Arts Studio. Oooops I forgot about the yoga studio a t home! But that's for another time.
I decide not to hide this anymore. Katarzyna Hasnik does UX/UI Design and she does paintings, drawings, and graphics. This is it. Just like with the Blog itself, here is a post about mentoring others into new careers, here is about mindfulness to help people go with life a little bit easier on themselves and on others, as the life it is though time to time, and here and there beautiful, here is a values in suitability branding and there strict UX and UI design topic. This all makes good in UX and UI and Strategic Design and it should be accepted without the word although with the welcome question why do you do things the way you do? Serving others in the team as Lead, Head of Designs is to help them become better in what they do, and if I notice that they need to be more creative but the project is more restricted I ask them to doodle, paint, draw, sketch, write, dance, bake, sculpture repair, renovate, DIY etc. They grow within their professional life and personal, both, we are closer to becoming humans at work, than robots, we do things better as we allow ourselves to be free, and think outside of the box which UX and UI Strategic Interdisciplinary Design need, and we become closer to each other, as a human being and as teammates. That's what makes me amazing at directing and expecting projects in UX and UI, Product and Service Design. The Freedom and the Choice. I choose to be Free by unifying myself and by being transparent. Transparent glass is so clean, that cannot be dirtied by others people dirt. But that comes with ripeness and openness which not everyone can or want to afford. It comes with the freedom of unification, not separation.

Self-discovery and humanity ideation through various mediums, techniques, styles and subjects. Unwilling to multiply what is craved by masses but instead questioning the reason why you are who you are. Asking un-superficial questions is often uncomfortable, considered bold, curious, courageous, and apart from the norm. Being un-polite in the form of fine arts allows me to be free from the social structure, restricted depending on the variety of demographic. I paint in oil and acrylic mostly on a large canvas of sort of figurative surrealism provocative art to speak in loud what is unspoken within the not understood although felt deeply ancient symbolism, sacral and religious subjects, the inner place of good and evil within a mirror of society, the overcoming power of femininity and masculinity together as the bondage of one unseparated within two faces, dissolving and merging the social morals, values, ethics, norms through with God's presence, who is taking various forms and faces, within a psyche of the universal essence, of the angelic, and demonic side of each of us.
Occasionally I play with sensual and sexual acts in other mediums such as watercolours, water markers, and pencils to bring up my hidden and sacrifice intimacy to self-connect to myself and with my significant other, hidden in a time and space, willing to wait patiently until death will make us apart.
The sacrifice is to at least have a fundamental surface to at least for a moment, the tiny fraction of time get closer to God, who I more and more feel as a union within Life, more and more turning myself to what I once left, to Christian God, Father, Lord, Son of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit although still referring time to time in the internal fight within my old psyche to Him as to Goddess, Nature, Mother, Universe, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and so on.
What was once touched, 20 years ago, Bible, Old and New Testament, Hebrew Bible, Tora, and Koran once again come back as the spiral circle of life and death, to be buried and reborn again, deeper and closer.
Phoenix once again came out of the ashes, of Upanishad, Shastras, Sutras, Paganism, and Ancient and Modern Philosophies of East and West.
Where is the next chapter for Phoenix, unknown?
Master of Arts at Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, County Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 2021-2023. Grade: B. Full-time (on-site, remote). Level 9.
Career Foundry, Berlin, Germany, 2019-2021. Part-time (remote). Professional Certifications.
Dublin Business School, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 2019-2020. Grade: Distinction. Part-time (on-site). Professional Diploma Level 7.
The Illustori Academy, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 2016-2017. Grade: Successful completion. Part-time (on-site). Professional Certification.
Oakland College, Saint Albans, United Kingdom, 2009-2010, Grade: Successful completion. Part-time (on-site). Certifications.
Bachelor of Arts, Honours at The University of Trade, Łódź, Poland, 2005-2008. Grade: Distinction, 5, equal to B. Full and Part-time (on-site). Level 8.
LINKS and Both are in the process of updating...Sooner than Later as UX/UI Design is, for Now, priority number One. Life. Bread is important on the Table. Bread is Given by God. When God's will, will be to make me Full Time Fine Artist that time I put primary Fine Arts and secondary UX/UI Design. Just like CALL TO ACTION Hierarchy Buttons. 🙏🏻🛐🤓👩🏼💻 At least I do not lie. 🤥👏🏻💪🏻😏😂🤫 He hears me. Just like He hears your inner voice and the True Calling. 😍🥰❤️