Rhyming is fun, especially in English as it is so easy! Why not create a poem for a special encounter, connection and occasion? One in 8 billion! Life is too short to repeat the same phrases over and over. Be yourself, be One in 8 billion.
I do write spontaneous poems however it does not happen too often that I write them to a specific person and have an opportunity to see their first expression, laughter, curiosity, and ability to follow the stream of my thoughts, one by one. This only happens when I do really feel comfortable with that person and I greatly do appreciate their work, professionalism, personality and connection between us, long-lasting, or temporary. The time does not matter as the major importance is open-mindedness, truthfulness, honesty, fairness, uniquely personal, positivity, fun, laughter, joke and smile and a straightforward approach to what we do together as a team.
Those poems can be only given to those who like sarcasm, and irony and do have a distance to themselves and life as it might be spicy here and there. Enjoy your creative writing!

Dear Dr Hilary Kenna,
I am the Eye!
I want to ask you to take care of me.
I will guarantee,
Then you will have me for free.
You will have me forever ever.
So be clever!
Otherwise, I might say to you Bye!!
And believe me, it won't be easy,
And you might feel dizzy,
Or even in your head fizzy.
So watch out!
I have no doubt.
Read more printed books.
Especially this really old one.
Recommend on the green grass,
With refreshing water in the proper glass,
Not in any cup made of plastic.
We, humans, have become too elastic.
So now it is drastic!
No longer fantastic!
So touch the paper,
Feel it!
Bit by bit…
Take her
And do not let escape her.
That is the class!
Enjoy the book in the bright sun,
With the daylight.
That's right!
Not the fancy e-books.
Oh dam, that's the looks!
And pass it to the oldest boy
In your family.
So it will last for a generation,
And one day in 100 years,
Someone will have tears.
When looking into past
And touch a glimpse
of the Timeline History.
And wonder about the mystery
of 18th January 2023, in Dublin, Ireland.
And the 27th of November 1895, in London, Great Britain.
All the way back to the period of time even as far as 1340-1400.
That time London City will be free,
That's the new free will,
Which gives us already the thrill
To a new world key.
But we won't be here.
That's life, my Dear.
Only a few of us reach the 100s.
But the books which we write and print will 1000s.
Let your books will last for centuries as this one.
And now let's begin.
Another chapter of life,
Maybe finally to become a wife.
But that's another story,
For the next glory.
But you have to run!
I am almost done.
So once again I wish you all the best,
Especially the proper rest!
Thank you once again for all that you suggested.
I was really of your work and dedication impressed.
Even with a bit of stress.
But now, it is time to feel blessed.
Thank you, Dr Hilary,
You have given me a new portion of artillery!
Enjoy your students' test
And I will go to East or West
For a proper rest,
With a few digital screens.
Because that's what means
To live in the XXI century.
Be blessed with Kindle,
Because actually give us a good storage spindle.
From time to time, open an old book,
I believe it will give you a good hook.
And when you do hold firmly a nice big mug
Do not think that all that was written was on a drug.
Have a good Fun
This joke was Number One. :D
But, now, I am definitely done!
"If I will continue the poem,
we will both get to Rome."

Especially wrote a poem for a special supervisor with the special first edition of the London Garland with Drawings by The Society of Illustrators, 1895 with a collection of verses, poems, and satiric from 500 centuries by a special student with special decorative roses to match the book cover.
Enjoy almost All of your senses! Touch, Vision, Smell...Hearing if you read loud and even maybe Taste.
Thank you. Dziękuję.
With Regards,
Katarzyna Haśnik