The renaissance of #twitter has begun.
Once the deal is closed, I will open my first ever #Twitter account. With #ElonMusk at the helm, #Twitter will be unstoppable and #DonalTrump and others will be welcomed again. Back to freedom of expression and free speech. There must be a place with no speech police. Extremely sensitive folks who are easily offended by strangers' words expression can enjoy #TikTok and #Instagram selfies or create fluffy, cute, sweet #Metaverse.
Rey Lorio #Twitter became politically correct when ban accounts of politicians so here we are #ElonMusk once again will rescue the world from the dark age, the medieval age. The church of Digital World is gone. Back to free speech. This is Renaissance of Twitter. I ❤ you Elon.
Lance Boggs Anyone can be banned from it by the speech police. You can only say what is allowed because it triggers others too much and indeed poor #DonaldTrump was banned.
Rey Lorio, it is a big deal if you get a sense of what #ElonMusk can and does achieve. He is a genius, thinks outside of the box as none else and I wish that he owned countries not only companies. #markzuckerberg could just give him all companies and instead of #metaverse, we would have something much more spectacular with #ElonMusk in charge. If #ElonMusk would go for USA president, I will move to the USA to vote for him. 😁 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇿🇦
The renaissance of #twitter has begun. I will be a user of #metaverse, and maybe even #facebook when #ElonMusk and #Grimes will own it and together be in charge of it. #markzuckerberg soon will be out of the game. That's my little Nostradamus prediction. ;) That's what the user wants. :D