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Writer's pictureKatarzyna Hasnik

When your mind is spinning around a variety of to-do lists why not do mindfulness?

Change the pattern of thinking by increasing the volume and amount of thoughts which will benefit you during the day, the struggle, the hassle, and the transition until they become habits, healthy, new, fresh, positive, and optimistic. Observe how the real change, the actual shift becomes so effortless. Life works in your favour for you. When you allowed it.

Start real, do not jump over the fence of thoughts which do not seem real because the mind will doubt them.

Mindfulness of loving-kindness and compassion first to yourself and then to others. How easy is it sometimes to take care of others to full fill the need of being needed instead of taking care of yourself?

Being good to yourself, internally first, will allow increasing the goodness around you and the amount of energy which you need to be good to others. Allow receiving when you give.

Of course, this comes only when you have a good level of understanding of your internal values and a clear mission of what means actually good and what means to be good in this world.

Allow the below thoughts to flow through you. Rewrite your own. Stick them when is possible to remind until the visual reminder is not needed anymore as they become part of the core of yourself.

And mostly do enjoy, have fun with it, treat it lightly, as playful time and with a mind. It does help!

Smile, those below examples might be part of you already, so let them grow by nourishing them to root them deeper and deeper into your subconscious until reaching the superconscious and will be transparent within the conscious life. You will become luminous. You might even start to "see", and feel, the light of others, the halo, the aura if you really tune in to it. It feels a bit like being high on the really well-balanced dosage of endorphins, not too much, not too little, just right together with the serotonin, the "feel good hormone". Peacefulness, calmness, happiness, joy, and contentment, while at the same time acknowledging that this blissful phase will change, as life is never a straight line, has a bump on the road, the curve ball, but then apply the softness of mind, the reaction of "fly, fight, freeze" might be well implemented, more relaxed, wise, clever. Allow your mind to serve you while opposite to be a servant of juggling mind from event to event, from down to up. That time mindfulness helps.

It does not have to be done in any specific place or in a specific position. It does not require any tools or props. It can be done at any time of the day, when sitting, walking, lying down, driving, cycling, or working. Practice at any time and use when needed. Initially, it is challenging to quickly play the mode of mindfulness when actually is required but at some point, it will come to a natural habit. It is a hygiene of mind, body, heart and spirit, psyche, and soul.

Mindfulness of loving-kindness and compassion sample thoughts:

I am learning to be comfortable with myself.

I am learning to be at peace with myself when I am alone.

I am learning to be patient with myself and with others.

I am learning to be patient with life itself.

I am improving one step at a time.

I am learning to actually love myself. (What does it mean to you?)

I deserve the good things in life as much as everyone else.

I will be there for myself. (In those most challenging moments I will remember about myself.)

I accept and appreciate myself the way I am. (Do I? If no, why? What can be done with it, gradually to say Yes, I do.)

I am relaxed with myself and with others. (I am softer than harder, I treat myself and others with a feather, not a hammer, and I take myself and others and life less seriously).

I am peacefully making progress with a little baby, a puppy, and kitten steps. (As this is new to me, I am indeed a baby in it).

I am grateful to myself that I try, to do anything from basic day-to-day life tasks across minor and all the way to major stuff.

I am grateful for everything otherwise I won't be me.

I love myself for everything otherwise I won't be me.

I accept and appreciate others as they are. They have their own journey, and specific stage of life right now, which I do not know, or understand. Or at least I do tolerate them as I cannot change or control them. I accept that I cannot change and control anyone. I am only responsible for my own change and control and by my own change and control, I can maybe influence others even though I will never know this. (Strangers on the street, loved ones at home, family relatives, social-business encounters).

I have a common sense tune to my intuition, which both work well and serve me in everything that I do.

My intuition is clear and wise. My common sense is clever and smart.

I listen to my common sense which does listen to the positive voice.

My positive inner true loving kind inner voice is always on my watchman at the gate sitting on both shoulders as: an angel, guardian, and good spirit, the caring ancestor, and the caregiver's voice.

I am full of courage.

I take risks with strategy and peace and faith.

I have empathy and compassion for myself, and for others.

I acknowledge the difference between excuses and an actual real-life struggle.

I let my healthy critic make choices on a well combine judgment within a time and room for being surprised.

I am full of Love for Life. (What means Love?)

I fully embrace Life. (What means Life?)

I let myself inspire you and influence me positively.

I notice quickly the difference between which influence is motivation and which is demotivation.

I notice effortlessly which influence will serve me long term and let me grow to become a better person in what I am, in what I am becoming and what I have.

I know I cannot be all above all the time and that's ok.

I acknowledge that I have better and better days and moods, and that's ok.

I less and less expect myself to be perfect as I know it is utopic thinking.

I know others cannot be all above all the time and that's ok.

I acknowledge that they have better and better days and moods, and that's ok.

I less and less expect others to be perfect as I know it is utopic thinking.

I am succesful in who I am.

I am successful in what I do.

I am a succesful artsit.

I am a successful designer.

I am a succesful woman.

I am a succesful friend.

I am a succesful human.

I am a succesful wife.

I am a succesful mother.

I am a successful pet owner.

I am a succesful shopper.

I am a succesful player.

And so on. :-)

I embrace others' successes as I do embrace my own.

I am grateful that I can see other successes and be grateful for their positive impact on my own journey.

I am well-known and respectful for what I do.

I am surrounded by others who are well-known and respectful of what they do.

I am a well-known inspirational leader and executive in what I do.

I am surrendered to those who want to become more and more.

I am rich, famous and a loved princess. (Hahaha! Why not? Do play with your mind and see where is going to bring you with the next thought.)

I am a loving, respectful, caring, patient, wise, healthy, caring, successful, beautiful wife to my loving, respectful, caring, patient, wise, healthy, caring, successful, beautiful handsome husband.

I am a loving, respectful, caring, patient, wise, healthy, successful, beautiful mother of our loving, respectful, caring, patient, wise, healthy, successful, beautiful children.

We live in a lovely, beautiful, spacious, pension house surrendered by nature with ocean and mountain views with sandy beach just steps from our garden.

I have a band new purchased in cash by my husband as a gift to me with a red ribbon wrapped around it.

I wisely manage our money.

I help others by who I am, and who we are.


Those thoughts are the path to Emotionally Regulating your Interpersonal Effectiveness, by establishing the Skills for Safer Living within Yourself as an Individual and within Social Groups, across family, friends, mates, colleagues, neighbours and strangers, in times of loneliness and solitude, in time of sorrow and in a time of stress.

Mindfulness helps with anything, starting from social, age, life events anxiety, depression, any sort of addiction, nervousness, anger management issues, physical, mental, and emotional health, and life changes from break-up relationships to bereavement.

Life can be fantastic. It cannot be fair, as it is individual, different and unique. We experience pain, and when we get out of any struggle, we experience happiness and joy. It is like a see-saw. Sometimes we are long on the up than the down, sometimes we are longer at the bottom, to rise again up. Mindfulness helps to balance those stages effectively to be calm, excited, wiser and braver each time. The time for a suffer on the mental stage is actually up to us. It cannot be reduced to zero as being human, a living being is to also not only feel happy but also struggle. Both let us make who we are. Mindfulness help to take the opportunity to experience all with a wise sage acknowledgement. This comes with time and can be done at any time of life regardless of the age of experience. It is not a fix-up pill, but the wisdom of knowing your mind better, and designing the process of thoughts as a self-script in a positive and less positive moment of life.


To help yourself and eventually as this blog post to help others by spreading the wisdom by own example.

The wise man/woman wasn't born wise, he/she experiences life to become wise by still learning. As learning never ends. Each day there is something to learn.

Establish the thought catalog and use at anytime. Write, change, share and enjoy!

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